Who Are “The Real New Yorkers”?

Who indeed are “the REAL New Yorkers”?

This blog will explore the people who make New York hum, the places they go, the things they do — and more.  Importantly, we’ll travel throughout the city, into all five boroughs.  It is a very big mistake to focus only upon Manhattan and some quarters of Brooklyn fancied by some of today’s tastemakers.  After all, what is the shelf life of the New York zipcodes du jour?   

Those that made New York City great, and who will continue to do so, live throughout the city. 

And, in my opinion, one thing they have in common is “soul”  — in the visceral, 60’s Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell sense. The Real New Yorkers dig the differences, the inconveniences, the frustrations.  They know the real deal and have no patience for the bogus, the poseurs, the shriveled heartless husks living in cotton batting.

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We need to winnow out the wannabees.  Here’s a start and, admittedly, it’s quite superficial but, again, it’s a start: do you like blueberry bagels?

If your answer was “yes,” you need to run along now.  Just scoot.  If your answer was “no” — welcome to the blog.  See you soon.


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