Sometimes — especially times such as these — daily life can be more challenging than it needs to be.
Sometimes the solution is to change one’s perspective. Look through the telescope the other way.

Long ago, children were told the basics of conversation. Listen more, talk less. Be respectful of others. Include everyone in the discussion; don’t hog the mike, so to speak.
And never, ever, discuss politics or religion!
Yet here we are, surrounded by social media platforms that give powerful, international, electronic megaphones to pipsqueaks with no knowledge. Facebook ranters stand on their electronic front porches, metaphorically screaming at people to get off their lawn.

We curate our social groups to eliminate alternate points of view. Tribalism above all else. Within our tribes, we discuss the (admittedly serious) issues of the day, and these are too often related to politics and religion.
Now, I’m not saying that we do not have serious issues, locally, nationally, globally. Not the least of these is Year III of a frightening, shape-shifting pandemic that has ended lives, ruined others, and stressed our economies — hell, our daily lives — to the max. Think how leaders here and abroad have used this primal fear to tear us apart, and distract us as they enrich themselves.
We have to take matters into our own hands. Step one is at the voting booth. And step two is to realize that there are as least as many human characteristics that unify us as those that divide us. Despite what we are told in our daily 360-degree needle shower of stories from news gathering organizations (and faux news outlets), bot farms, and social media “friends”.
If we listen more, and talk less. If we include others in the conversation, not exclude them. If we maintain respect for others, whether older or younger than us. Then maybe we’ll have a sliver of sanity during our time on the planet.
Easier said than done? Oh, for sure. And humans are tribal.
So maybe, let’s start with a limit of our time on social media platforms. Maybe spend more time listening, not postulating. More time on artistic pursuits, hobbies, family life.
It’s easy to grab slices of society and pull them close. All it takes is a look through the telescopic lens of electronic media.
What is harder, and to me more rewarding, is to summon the courage to look through the telescope the other way.
Hey, it’s a start.