New Story Now Online


Dear Friends,

I’m happy to announce that my short story, The Lettuce Grave, has been published in the e-zine Jerry Magazine and is now available to read on !

In 1Q’13, my full collection of short stories, Home Front, will be published by Scott Adkins’ Sock Monkey Press — straight out of Brooklyn, baby.

 The editors of JERRY Magazine ask that you please “like” us on Facebook and follow the mag on Twitter to receive the  most up-to-date announcements.
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As ever, thank you for your friendship and readership and feel free to pass the link to around.

Have a great summer and watch for updates on publications and readings.

 Bon Weekend!


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About Martin Kleinman

Martin Kleinman is a New York City-based writer and blogger. His new collection of short fiction, "When Paris Beckons" is now available. His second collection, "A Shoebox Full of Money", is available at your favorite online bookseller, as is his first -- "Home Front". Visit for details on how to get your copies.

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