I’ve Been Remiss

I’ve been away from my own blog since last September. But I’m coming back. A new collection of stories will be published later this year and there are lots of things on our mind here at The Real New Yorkers.

Congestion Pricing?

Specialized School Admissions?

MTA Performance?

Commercial Rent Catastrophe?

We’ll get to all of them. Hang tight. Meantime, read my latest story, just published at Typishly.com.

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About Martin Kleinman

Martin Kleinman is a New York City-based writer and blogger. His new collection of short fiction, "When Paris Beckons" is now available. His second collection, "A Shoebox Full of Money", is available at your favorite online bookseller, as is his first -- "Home Front". Visit http://www.martykleinman.com for details on how to get your copies.

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