Dreams in the Age of Covid

Dream I: I am at my work desk. A juicy cockroach ambles from behind the table lamp and makes its way to my stapler, a brown metal Swingline from the 60s. I wonder: where did the roach come from? We have no roaches here; did someone come and leave a crumb? Are we now infested?

He, the cockroach in my dream, was this type.
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Dream II: I am told that the husband of a neighbor wrote a book. I am told the book is great. It is suggested that I buy this book. I go on Amazon. There is the book. It has a red jacket, with white lettering. It looks like the cover of a child’s coloring book. Centered in the red is the doughy, smiling face of the husband of a neighbor. He looks like a putz, something like Uncle Floyd, and I am glad.

The End.

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About Martin Kleinman

Martin Kleinman is a New York City-based writer and blogger. His new collection of short fiction, "When Paris Beckons" is now available. His second collection, "A Shoebox Full of Money", is available at your favorite online bookseller, as is his first -- "Home Front". Visit http://www.martykleinman.com for details on how to get your copies.

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